Phase 1

SAN Token Price : $0.01

Total SAN For Sale : 75 million

SAN Public Sale active now

Min purchase : 10$

Max Investment : No Bar

Buy Now

Phase 2

SAN Token Price : $0.025

Total SAN For Sale : 75 million

SAN Public Sale Phase 2 will be live soon

Min purchase : 10$

Max Investment : No Bar

Buy Now

Phase 3

SAN Token Price : $0.05

Total SAN For Sale : 75 million

SAN Public Sale Phase 3 will be live soon

Min purchase : 10$

Max Investment : No Bar

Buy Now

Phase 4

SAN Token Price : $0.1

Total SAN For Sale : 75 million

SAN Public Sale Phase 4 will be live soon

Min purchase : 10$

Max Investment : No Bar

Buy Now

Phase 1 is live

Raised: $0

Target: $7,500,000

1 Phase


Listing Price


Next Price




How to Buy


Connect your wallet


Open "Metamask" or "Trust Wallet App" on your phone, visit our website using the integrated browser and click connect. Select the app from "Connect Wallet" and click "Approve".


Open your "Google Chrome" browser, click "Connect Wallet" and approve in your "Metamask" extension.


Select payment method

Select your method of purchase (ETH, BNB, MATIC, USDT, or Card) and input the amount of currency you want to spend or the amount of tokens you want to receive.

Follow the instructions for the selected method of payment:

Buy with USDT

  • Enter amount of currency / tokens
  • Press "Buy Now" button
  • Check "Metamask" and "Use default" in custom spending cap
  • Click "Next" and "Approve"
  • Wait for confirmation
  • Click "Approve" again


Check your balance in the dashboard

Once the transaction has been completed and confirmed, you "Connect Wallet" and check your current balance of tokens.



When the presale ends, you will be able to connect your wallet and claim your tokens. Click the "Claim tokens" button and accept the transaction in Metamask.